Falwyn's Diary
Dairyland, er, I mean Diaryland
Cow Face

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Past Entries
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Sour Milk -- Ye Olde Entries

still here? - June 02, 2016
showing up - June 26, 2006
test - September 07, 2004
moving on - march 22nd, 2003
sight, smell, feel - september 20th, 2001
visual arts - september 19th, 2001
regressing - september 15th, 2001
retreat? - september 14th, 2001
moment of silence - september 12th, 2001
shock - 9-11-01
Phulan's wedding - september 10th, 2001
ponder, want, wish, try, remember, forget - september 9th, 2001
no explanations - september 7th, 2001
doubts - september 6th, 2001
nailbiting and perfectionism - september 5th, 2001
sorrow and love, sorrow and love - september 4th, 2001
well, it amused ME... - september 2nd, 2001
ahh... Paris... - august 23rd, 2001
silver linings - august 21st, 2001
in which I feel naked - august 13th, 2001
on recent events and being a writer - august 8th, 2001
kids and correspondence - august 5th, 2001
guilty revelation - july 30th, 2001
stubbornness - july 22nd, 2001
yet another guestbook plea... - july 13th, 2001
failure of imagination - july 5th. 2001
COWS! MOO - july 3rd, 2001
drowning my sorrows in beef jerky - june 27th, 2001
fame and death, incoherently - june 26th, 2001
homicidal muse and other dreams - june 23rd, 2001
a current reading list - june 21st, 2001
unemployable? - june 12th, 2001
water, water, everywhere - june 2nd, 2001
absence - may 30th, 2001
in which i use many semi-large words - may 22nd, 2001
do you ever feel this way? - may 18th, 2001
trying not to drool on the harps - may 5th, 2001
impossibilities - april 15th, 2001

Wintering -- december 2000-march 2001
Fall to Grace (aaaaaaah!) -- august-november 2000
Summer of Change (jingle, jingle)-- may-august 2000
the Last Spring (boingie, boingie)-- march-may 2000
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