Falwyn's Diary
Dairyland, er, I mean Diaryland
Cow Face

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Past Entries
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Sour Milk -- Ye Olde Entries

faerie advice - march 29th, 2001
awareness - march 23rd, 2001
butterscotch trees and a plea for attention - march 20th, 2001
gorgeous fabric - march 19th, 2001
eye clothes - march 13th, 2001
trust and act - march 6th, 2001
do the voices in my head bother you? - march 5th, 2001
since we wouldn't want wet and miserable buns... - march 2nd, 2001
scrabbling for a grip - february 28th, 2001
haven't you always wanted an emu? - february 27th, 2001
work. blah. - february 26th, 2001
musings - february 24th, 2001
productive details... - february 22nd, 2001
dog wrestling and other hairy situations - february 19th, 2001
inventing pants - february 15th, 2001
happy heart day - february 14th, 2001
my room. MINE. - february 10th, 2001
DALE!!! - february 3rd, 2001
flying in the face of reality - january 27th, 2001
in which I wax poetic on boredom - january 13th, 2000
soul sistah, soul - january 11, 2001
shrug - january 9th, 2001
resolutions, if you will - january 2nd, 2001
happy boxing day - december 26th, 2000
should be - december 12th, 2000

Wintering -- december 2000-march 2001
Fall to Grace (aaaaaaah!) -- august-november 2000
Summer of Change (jingle, jingle)-- may-august 2000
the Last Spring (boingie, boingie)-- march-may 2000
Cast Descriptions