Falwyn's Diary
Dairyland, er, I mean Diaryland
Cow Face

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Past Entries
Email Falwyn

Sour Milk -- Ye Olde Entries

five down, two to go - may 11th, 2000
the updating addiction - may 5th, again
just a little more - may 5th, 2000
of dubious interest - may 5th, 2000
if i grow up... - may 4th, 2000
i love SARK! and email... - may 3rd, 2000
destined to graduate? - may 2nd, 2000
will the stupidity never end? - april 25th, 2000
no candy bar for YOU - april 23rd, 2000
no cutesiness here - april 21, 2000
Elgar + Cello = AMAZING - april 19th, 2000
lack of focus - april 13th, 2000
dancing sandwich - april 11th, 2000
listlessness - april 8th, 2000
back again: my weekend and raccoons - april 3rd, 2000
donuts or doughnuts: you be the judge. - march 27th, 2000
delving by way of questionnaire - march 26th, 2000
the inaugural whining session - march 25th, 2000
get it while it's hot! - march 23rd, 2000
intro to me - March 23rd, 2000

Wintering -- december 2000-march 2001
Fall to Grace (aaaaaaah!) -- august-november 2000
Summer of Change (jingle, jingle)-- may-august 2000
the Last Spring (boingie, boingie)-- march-may 2000
Cast Descriptions