Falwyn's Diary
Dairyland, er, I mean Diaryland
Cow Face

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Past Entries
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Sour Milk -- Ye Olde Entries

spice girl? me? - august 25th, 2000
running amok - august 24th, 2000
is YOUR raincoat yellow? - august 21st, 2000
roses, rescued from cliche - august 20th, 2000
not enough lettuce - august 18th, 2000
transported again - august 15th, 2000
goats in string quartets - august 14th, 2000
porcelain feline - august 12, 2000
a very parenthetical entry (MSG, anyone?) - august 2nd, 2000
creative or pathetic? or maybe some of both? - july 30th, 2000
wilting flowers - july 28th, 2000
in which Falwyn rambles on - july 26th, 2000
re-emerging from the reunion - july 15, 2000
to cut, or not to cut... - june 21st, 2000
idiocy strikes again - june 20th, 2000
ode to Ygraine and Yams - june 14th, 2000
refusing to be snide - june 13th, 2000
tasty turnips - june 10th, 2000
a peek into my purse - june 4th, 2000
dancing without undies - june 3rd, 2000
Sandman is screwing with my head - june 2nd, 2000
mostly buses - may 28th, 2000
kittens!!! - may 27th, 2000
i've been riding on the railroad... - may 24th, 2000
Bad News, capital B, capital N - may 22nd, 2000
pondering Diaryland - may 22nd, 2000

Wintering -- december 2000-march 2001
Fall to Grace (aaaaaaah!) -- august-november 2000
Summer of Change (jingle, jingle)-- may-august 2000
the Last Spring (boingie, boingie)-- march-may 2000
Cast Descriptions